My first Delta Dog was River. She was an amazing girl and more of her story will be told here; I learned so much from her. For one story of her life see out
local dog magazine page 6
She died in my arms in January of 2007.
It was a long search for a new partner. I did not have the luxury to mourn her. I was working full time at the Humane Society for
We welcomed two dogs into our home in what turned out to be long term fosters as they were not suited to the Work.
The work is therapy dog work. I am trained and registered through the Delta Society . It takes a very special dog to be solid enough, willing enough, and friendly enough to be a Delta dog. It is not something that can be taught, though there is a lot of teaching involved. It is something in the basic temperament, the soul of the dog if you will.
This is from the time we welcomed the third canine application into our home. (I am guessing there will be some stern looks and disapproving thoughts about re-homing two dogs for “not fitting in” but it is more than that. I was not looking simply for a pet dog, a Delta dog is a working dog and need to be cut out for the job.)
July 2007
“Moon has come to live with us.
It seemed there was still something missing from our pack with River's passing and there are work situations where I fear little Journey Bug is just too much of a pushy clown.
I'm thinking that Moon might be a Border/Spaniel or some sort, or maybe Border Aussie?
She lived the first year of her life neglected: on a chain in a back yard of a small town, escaping often and going out wandering the town (finding much of her food that way). She was noticed by her soon to be foster family who saw how sweet and charming she was despite her start in life. When Moon became pregnant on her first heat, the direness of her situation became even more apparent. Her savior starting bringing her high quality food and trying to talk the owners, a somewhat clueless young couple with a baby of their own that took most of their focus, into giving Moon up for adoption into a family more able to take care of her. Which they eventually did, after Moon gave birth to four pups on the first day of spring.
The pups and Moon when to live on a sheep farm in wonderful foster-home, with other dogs, room to run and huge hearted folks. All the pups were placed. When Moon was spayed, a lump was found. The cancer was removed but it was very unusual to find cancer in that young a dog. She stayed in foster till this weekend.
I have been taking with her foster folks for many weeks. She seemed like such a perfect dog but the cancer thing really spooked me. I spoke with my vet, had the lab tests sent to her, spoke to her some more. The only answer remains, there is no answer - only hope.
I finally shifted to wanting to meet Moon by thinking of what a short time we had with River Girl, under three years! "River of a thousand days", well 1015 anyhow. She was such a blessing to us and to so many others! I came to the thought that even had I known she would have only been in our world so such a short time I would I jumped at the chance to have spent that time with us.
We never know how much time we have.
So, here is Moon.”
There is a organization called Dogs Deserve Better that works with amazing heart to educate about unchaining dogs, to offer care and support to pet owners trying to take proper care of their dogs, and rescues chained-ones when they can. Please take the time to visit them at