I've know a few rabbits in my life.
As a child there were the hutch-bunnies outside who were cared for as best as we knew how. They were fairly warm (nesting box and straw) or cool (water and good ventilation) as the seasons shifted. The had fresh food and water everyday. The had outside time. But this outside time was in a small fenced run and while they were socialized somewhat; they certainly did not come inside.
While growing up in New York City I met some apartment rabbits. They lived right there in the home, bounced about on the linoleum and snuggled on the old sofa. They had nice neat litter boxes (which they mostly used) and lived longer happier lives than my poor hutch bunnies ever did.
Not all pet rabbits are as fortunate as the apartment rabbits or even my hutch bunnies. Far too many of them are bought as gifts to children and then, after the honeymoon period wears off, they are neglected or abandoned. Domestic rabbits need our care. Those that are not just cut loose end up passed around and often, in the end, at some animal shelter ill-prepared to deal with their needs. Barking dogs and staring cats are not conducive to relaxed rabbits.
While I worked down at Willamette Humane Society I had the pleasure of knowing a true rabbit advocate. She was WHS' Bunny Lady and she taught us all such wonderful lessons about rabbit communications, needs, health, and even social lives.
These little Lagomorphs(they are not rodents) are not the right pet for everyone but they are just perfect for the right sort of person.
Every year the word goes about in late spring, just before Easter, "Easter Bunny? Make Mine Chocolate".
A local rescue and education group called Rabbit Advocates does some amazing work here in Portland. They are very honest about their rabbits such as they policy to place bonded pairs together.
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