Thursday, April 16, 2009

Rules of Love

Positive training methods, getting a companion dog from the shelter, cute doggie voices giving saying insightful things - whats not to love!

The Canis Film Festival "is designed to showcase innovative, highly–communicative, short videos on animal training. These videos help educate pet owners and professionals who work with animals".

While I support clicker training it is certainly not the only good training style out there. I am a middle of the road philosophy trainer myself. Many different schools of thought have a lot to teach each other. I apprenticed for a while with Sirius Dog Training, attended Marin Humane Society's Canine Behavior Academy and SF/SPCA Academy for Dog Trainers; I came away with different lessons from each experience. I continue to read voraciously on canine behavior, history, and biology. But my best teachers remain, to this day, the dogs I watch and work with.

Trust your dogs; they can teach you the rules of love.

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