Driving down Highway 1 I catch myself leaning forward, head, neck, shoulders away from the car’s seat. I’m excited to be on my way today. It’s a bright afternoon, sun brilliant off the Pacific Ocean, trees tossed wild by the wind. The gusts make staying on course down the twisty California roadway challenging but it’s a route I know well. I’m on my way down from the Hills to the Pajara Valley to bring humane education presentations to Head Start students.
Earlier this week, I was returning to a classroom where I had been before. Outside the Head Start portable classroom building I was greeted by, “Hola Pet Lady”. A dozen or so children and a few adults were outside in the playground. One child, maybe eight or nine, who I had not met before, reached out to pat my canine ambassador Moon. His younger sibling, from the Head Start class, spoke up. “Hey, you gotta ask first!”, he said to his brother. Their mother was watching us. The older boy stopped as his brother asked, “Mama may I pet the dog”. She nodded but said nothing. The boy asked me if he could pet Moon. I told him he was welcome to and thanked him for asking. Then he curled his fingers up and offered Moon his tucked hand to sniff. She pushed her head under his hand playfully. “See”, proclaimed the younger boy proudly. A few other kids quickly asked if they could pet Moon. “Suavecito manos, por favor*” I remind them. A couple of the parents, smiling, moved closer to pat Moon as well.
I am learning with the students. They know more about how to care for pets, how to be safer around animals, and more about how much their pets are like them. My Spanish is still very limited and simple but they teach me kindly and welcome me into their circle. I am always eager to meet with the children and their teachers. Our shared smiles and laughter are a blessing. Our joy in and our love of animals binds us together.
*"soft hands please" a phrase I picked up from listening to the teachers. I understand more and more of what is said in Spanish around me but I don't have a lot words to share myself yet.
Exactly the kind of post you need. Lots of human interest and first person impressions.
Excellent work!
Well spoken my dear, all of us learn by teaching, and teach others their value by learning from them. My favorite phrase is "tell/show me how you would do it" It really gets everyone involved in the process.
Now back to read more good stuff, I didn't know you were bac posting :)
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